Understand Social Security

Quick Data Entry
Directly Copy & Paste Records
Painless entry of your earnings records directly from the "my SocialSecurity" section at ssa.gov. Copy and paste your entire record directly into the social security calculator in a single quick step. Run entirely from your browser making the process secure and private.
Highly Interactive
Future Benefits Formula
Working more years in the future can have an impact on your benefit. Use the working years quick calculator to estimate the impact of working more or fewer years on your AIME, PIA, and benefit payments.
Visual Charts
PIA Calculation
Visually calculate how your Average Indexed Monthly Earnings (AIME) affects your Primary Insurance Amount (PIA). Use the calculator to see how you compare to the two Social Security breakpoints.
Graphical Excellence
Filing Start Date Analysis
Intuitive interactive visual charts let you see the impact of the choice of filing dates on your benefits. See your detailed payment schedule, each month, specifically tailored to your own inputs. Unique unified view of filing dates and the effect on both you and your spouse's benefits.